We are pleased to announce that Richard Norris has been accredited as an expert witness by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS). The accreditation confirms that Richard has been trained and assessed to the highest standard to fulfil the expert witness role. This qualification reflects our focus on continuously improving our litigation support service and ensures that our reports are robust and can withstand cross-examination.
As a valuer with significant commercial experience, gained through involvement in M&A transactions and other strategic investment decisions, Richard provides credible, commercial valuation opinions, supported by reliable analysis. His reports will stand up as credible evidence but may also enable early resolution. This supports the existing technical valuation expertise of the Leadenhall team which includes directors with CA, Business Valuation Specialisation, CFA and Masters of Applied Finance.
As an independent firm we have few conflicts of interest, are able to quickly confirm our availability to work on any matter, and are happy to discuss any business valuation matters on a confidential basis with no obligation.